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Admin Role

Administrators mostly have access to the procedures at the top level, i.e. The Whole Stat System, and those in the section User Accounts and Roles.


grantAdminRights(ident uid, ident username) {
  assume exists /account[uid]/admin;
  assume exists /account[username]; # implicitly true in OO implementations
  assume not exists /account[username]/admin;
  insert /account[username] <admin />;
revokeAdminRights(ident uid, ident username) {
  assume exists /account[uid]/admin;
  assume exists /account[username]/admin; # implies the account exists, which is implicitly true anyway
  assume size(/account/admin) > 1; # kind of a practical constraint
  remove /account[username]/admin;
stats/role/admin.1317245970.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/09/28 23:39 by Patrick Michel